Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Gaming table UPGRADE

Experiment: 20090715

Under the heading of "better late than never" we have the entry of a much delayed blog post about the new downstairs gaming table. Over the winter it became very obvious that the old gaming table with it's covering of five year old shelf-paper needed a major over-haul so after the removal of the two middle legs (much hated and always in the way) all of the old shelf paper was painfully striped off first by hand, then by razor blade, and then finally (because I was about to take a hatchet to the whole thing and start over) by use of a wire paint-stripper cup brush. Once the basic structure of the table had been laid bare I slowly built the finish back up with three layers of latex base, a massive amount of sanding, four layers of white board paint, and three layers of very nice green semi-gloss latex. I think the final product turned out rather well.