Another DragonCon has come and gone, and unfortunately I think this will probably be the last one I attend. Frankly, I think DragonCon has just grown too large for my tastes and admittedly rather hermit-like tolerances. Luckily I did manage to get to see Pete Abrams (Sluggy Freelance), Jennie Breeden (The Devil's Panties), Ryan Sohmer and Lar Desouza (Least I Could Do and Looking For Group) as well as attend the live recording for Sword and Laser with Veronica Belmont (This WEEK in TECH). I unfortunately made it to nothing else I wanted to see because of the ridiculous crowds and lines. (I think the most annoying failure was my attempt to see Randal Schwartz (FLOSS Weekly) which involved getting a cab to drive back to the con from the hotel, showing up a half hour early, and finding that although there were still seats they were all "saved".... I nearly blew a gasket.) Kathy did manage to get some pretty decent pictures and I think this collage pretty much conveys the DragonCon experience.
I think I did pretty well for loot though. My favorite is the 2d20 damage flail. ^_^